No.6 Coach Patent Glam
Coach handbags are always popular in the fashion kingdom not only for its relatively acceptable price Coach Factory Outlet Online, but also for its decent style and color. This Coach patent glam is such a combination of most desired details for a bag. It embodied both merits of style and functionality Coach Factory Outlet, and what else can you ask for a single bag?
This bag is priced at $268.00, which is really rather cheap for a designer handbag. Its main body is made of shinny smooth patent leather, thus it is always in shape and easy to be cleaned. On the bag are trimmed with patent leather strap cross the bag body cheap coach bags, which is finished with light colored grosgrain. The bag handles are an extension of the trimming strap. The interior part of the bag is made from colorful fabric lining. Inside the bag you are to find a large compartment and several inside zipped pockets for your cell phone or for multifunction. Therefore, this bag is very versatile.
What adding more functionality to the bag is a ring to clip an accessory or key. Except for its multifunctional inside pockets, it also has two outside front zip pockets for your convenience. And the overall bag is also closed with a zipper. All the zipper hardware is made from shinning silver metal. It is also the same with the eye-catching crest, which is the iconic logo of poppy collection. The bag flat handles measure about 20ith an 8.5rop for your comfortably carrying. With a size of 16.75(L) x 12 1/4 (H) x 4 (W), the bag is very spacious for holding all your belongings. The bag is available in three colors: blueberry Coach Outlet, licorice and magenta. :
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