

What is the niche you are trying to market to

Talking To Everyone Is Talking To No One! So Who Are You Trying To Reach To Make More Money Online

Make More Mone Online - Best Online Busienss Opportunites - Starting a Home Based Business

Target Your Market Using Information Product Marketing (Direct Response Marketing) With The Best Online Business Opportunities

In Internet or network marketing, when you are talking to everyone, you are really talking no one! Offering Information Products Marketing, using direct response marketing has helped create additional income streams for those starting a home based business.

People are subject to change and are emotional creatures. One day they are excited and ready to go. The next day they quit. The smaller your business, the more you feel the effects of the normal ups and downs of business associated with others actions. When you are just starting a home based business, someone quitting can have a big impact on your profitability.

Using a sales letter in direct response marketing helps you to add stability to your business, help you build an immunity to the ups and downs.

Having the ability to use a sales letter is an effective tool you can use to measure the response, and even enhance your sales message or letter, on a daily basis. Combining the sales letter strategy of marketing with information products marketing provides the accelerated growth and additional income streams that add stability and growth to your business.

In addition to your primary best online business opportunity, those starting a home based business can add additional income streams by providing information products which are used as a tool to build your list of prospects for your primary business opportunity. In fact, some entrepreneurs become so successful in marking their information products, that the income they generate far exceeds the income derived from their primary business opportunity.

Information products marketing is direct response marketing, using a sales letter that you write or, one that you have someone else write for you. Instead of personal selling and convincing, this tool gives you an automated, or robotic marketing army, or sales force that never complains, never calls in sick, never has a bad day, works 24/7, and makes a perfect sale presentation for you every time. And best of all you never have to pay it!

As a network marketer, Information Products Marketing can have a dual purpose. The first is training your personal downline if the content is aimed at ways to make more money online and become a better Internet marketer. The second is that it provides you a tool with which you can tap into the market of providing information, techniques, and methods to make more money online, to entrepreneurs outside of your donwline or organization. It may even be an avenue to reach those not even in your company.

Budding entrepreneurs are hungry for quality information on how to make more money online. And if you are providing relevant content, it can even serve as a platform for attracting those outside of your opportunity, to you.

Information products marketing is one of the top income generating opportunities ever available. Not only can you market information books or e-books, but you can market CDs, DVDs, webinars, teleclass/seminars, live seminars, complete marketing programs, etc. and be paid very well in the process.

In information products marketing, product creation costs are very low. Costs for duplication of products for delivery to customers are very low. Delivery, or order fulfillment, is very easy and low cost. Profit margins are high!

When you start selling information marketing products, you will find that customers, most often, just dont want a little information. Customers typically want an effective, in depth education that will give them a system to develop their skills, and accomplish the goals of success.

Often information products marketers start by providing low cost, or even free information to start building a list of prospects and customers. Through the initial product offering, they begin to build relationships with prospects, some now even turned customers, and advertising more in depth information with additional products. The additional products typically increase in price commensurate with the value and detail of content provided. All of this can also be done while promoting your primary best online business opportunity.

I hate to say win-win, but with this method, you get to succeed by helping other people succeed!

When it comes to marketing and driving traffic to your information products, most people fail by not choosing their niche correctly. Most online marketers have products, services and information with solutions to a variety of problems. However, when searching on the Internet, most prospects are not looking for a site with the solution to a variety of problems. They are only looking for information on a specific to a solution to a specific problem. They are likely looking for a solution that information on only one of your products or services can provide for them.

If you do not target a specific niche or market, your information and a potential prospects search for a solution will never cross paths. They will miss each other completely! You will never even know that the prospect ever saw your site, because they took no action when it appeared that you did not have the solution to their specific problem. You effectively eliminated the option of presenting your solution, and sent them elsewhere!

What is the niche you are trying to market to? The niche is not a market you get to choose! A niche created by psychological need that exists in the heads and emotions of people looking for a solution.

For example, you can offer health care information products and solutions for many conditions, including information to help people stop smoking. Say that the information you have chosen to provide and concentrate your marketing efforts on, is to help people stop smoking.

Someone looking to stop smoking in seven days will not even give your information a look if you are appealing to a more general market with an offer of information to help you live a healthier life.

They will only respond to you when the offer is to provide them with information to help you to stop smoking. If you further narrow down the offer to help you to stop smoking quickly, you increase the chance that they will respond. Further narrowing your niche toward information to help you to stop smoking, quickly, and with no cravings, you will finally get to the niche of customers, you really need to be marketing to.

When you are talking to everyone, you are talking no one!

In coaching and mentoring other successful entrepreneurs desiring to transition away from traditional business, jobs, and career, into starting a home based business with the best online business opportunities, I show how to get started using marking strategies including information products marketing. You can click on the link in the About the Author Box at the end of this article to contact me for information on how you can become a full-time seven figure income earner.

To make more money online, it takes a system! To get your business going you need to find a good coach or mentor who can provide you information to get you on your direct path to success. See how information products marketing can add a profitable stream of income to your business.
Make More Money Online Best Online Business Opportunities Starting a Home Based Business

You Can Do this, Without Question.

The Best Really Is Yet To Come!

Glen Jacobs

Business Development Partner and Coach

Managing Member / Live Life Well, LLC

