

Cato Institute video Ending the Global War on Dru

Mark Frauenfelder at 3:43 pm Tuesday, Dec 13

[Video Link] Yes, I know: Cato = Charles Koch, but the Cato Institute's position on drug prohibition is quite sane.

"Ever since the War on Drugs, everything has hit the fan," says Romesh Bhattacharji, former Narcotics Commissioner of India. Rather than continue the unnecessary and costly drug war, Bhattacharji advises the United States to simply "Relax, take it easy, [and] tolerate."

Last month, at the Cato Institute's "Ending the Global War on Drugs" conference, Bhattacharji's sentiments were echoed by ex-drug czars, cops Coach Factory Outlet Online, politicians, intellectuals, liberal and conservative journalists replica oakley sunglasses, and even the former President of Brazil.

