

7 tips for good behavior, circa 1500 A.D.

6. interrupt people when they tell a story

Mark Frauenfelder at 9:59 am Friday, Jun 1

8. don’t “top” (meaning, don’t say things like, “Wow, you think that was bad, wait until you hear what happened to me”)

NewImageAccording to Erasmus, you should not…

7 Tips for Good Behavior–from the 16th Century

Gretchen Ruben, author of the terrific Happiness Project book, posted seven tips for good social interaction coach factory outlet, written by Desiderius Erasmus around 1500 A.D. in his book De Civilitate Morum Puerilium Libellus: A Handbook on Good Manners for Children:

5. seek to defeat others in argument

3. boast

9. don’t keep bringing the conversation around to your favorite topics if other people don’t seem as obsessively interested in them as you are.

1. gossip

Gretchen added two more to the list:

4. indulge in self-display

2. tell unkind stories

7. be too inquisitive

